113 research outputs found

    Possible ways for improving the competitiveness of SMEs. A Central-European approach.

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    An SME is able to cope with the global challenge if it runs reliable, balanced and high-standard operation in its business. There are different possible management methods for increasing the competitiveness of SMEs. In the last few years competitiveness of SMEs isalso analyzed on state level. It is very important to create a good business environment for this group of firms. In the time of crisis the outstanding role of SMEs in GDP creation is emphasized all over Europe and overseas.A network of researchers was found five years ago for the better understanding of SMEs problems and for carrying out research in this field.This network .evaluated the current situation and made a declaration recently for the future Hungarian government.globalisation, competitiveness factors, family business speciality.SMEs, Small Business Act, networking, research, SME policy

    Research on the Competitiveness Factors of Small and Medium Enterprises

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    An Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) is able to cope with the global challenge if it realizes reliable, balanced and high-standard operation in its business. There are some management and organizational methods increasing the competitiveness of SME. Controlling as a management tool and management function as well as a factor affecting competitiveness has come more into focus. Outsourcing of activities not belonging to the main profile of the enterprise seems natural for most SME-s. Family as the driving force of the business can bear bigger loads than SME of similar sizes but not organized around a family.competitiveness factors, management methods, family business speciality.

    Auswirkungen des EU-Beitritts auf die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der KMU in Ungarn

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    Der heimische Mark ist infolge des EU-Beitritts in erster Linie für die ausländischen Unternehmen zu einem Teil des internationalen Marktes geworden, von den heimischen KMU profitierten eher die mittelständischen Unternehmen von den Vorteilen des Beitritts. Von den Kleinunternehmen scheinen die Akteure der Kategorie mit 10-19 Beschäftigten flexibler und dynamischer zu agieren, die andere Gruppe mit 20-49 Beschäftigten scheint aus trägeren und schwerer reagierenden Akteuren zu bestehen. Die positiven Wirkungen der Änderung haben die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Mikrounternehmen scheinbar kaum betroffen, aber diese spüren die Nachteile der Marktöffnung am meisten. Der KMU-Sektor ist also hinsichtlich der Auswirkungen des EU-Beitritts auf die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit nicht einheitlich. Die wahrnehmbare Verbesserung der Finanzierungsbedingungen und -möglichkeiten, sowie das Ausbleiben der positiven Änderung der Beschaffungs- und Verkaufsbedingungen am heimischen Markt können in erster Linie als Gemeinsamkeiten betrachtet werden.Methode und Struktur der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, EU-Beitritt, allgemeine Marktsituation, SWOT Analyse, Finanzquellen, Marktpreise, Zahlungsdisziplin, Arbeitsmarkt, zwei Kategorien der Kleinunternehmen nach Personalstärke

    Budapest Bridges Benchmarking

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    This paper is concerned with the comparison of different scaling methods which are applied to a complex bridge evaluation problem. It is shown that both tangible and intangible data and satisfaction of multiple criteria are essential to the success of such projects. Some new inconsistency measures for the matrices emerging in the decision making process are also used. A detailed numerical analysis of the results is presented.

    What are the Main Psychographic Differences between Persons Behave in an Environmentally Friendly Way and Those Who Do Not?

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    Experts dealing with environmentally friendly consumer behavior can often meet the problem of the existing gap between positive environmental attitude and green behavior. Despite of the very intensive communication campaigns in connection with environmental problems there are still only a few consumers who consciously put this view into practice. One of the main aims of this empirical study conducted in September 2007 was to identify those psychographic factors, which differentiate persons alongside their environmentally friendly behavior the most. Perceived consumer effectiveness and perceived inconvenience of environmentally friendly behavior were those factors, which play significant role in differentiation of green consumers from the others.environmentally friendly behavior, psychographic variables (environmental knowledge, ecological world-view, perceived consumer effectiveness, perceived inconvenience of environmentally friendly behavior, perceived seriousness of ecological problems), discriminant analysis

    Can the Harmonization of the Corporate Taxation be Realized?

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    In the present period of the development of the European integration the basic requirement is enhancing the competitive power, which can be created by the demolition of the inside market’s barriers. The indirect taxes, more precisely the initiation of the valueadded tax led intensely to the implementation of the economic and monetary union. At the beginning of the millenium, the unitary monetary policy has already been realized for the member countries who have achieved the strict convergence criteria, and those who have introduced and are using the ever stronger euro. Beside the implementation of the single currency, the idea of approximation of the national tax systems comes up again, which has effects not only on the above mentioned valueadded taxation but also on the income taxes payed by corporations. In my essay I am looking for the answer to the question why the implementation of tax harmonization has not succeded in corporate taxation during the past decades and if there is a chance to accept a common European consolidated tax base. Key words: tax harmonization, corporate taxes, Common Consolidated Corpotate Tax Base, tax rate, consolidation, domestic tax systems, tax competition, share mechanism

    Extended measurement of an information system's performance

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    TUsing Neptun as our scholar information system our everyday experience is that it has some annoying problems even today. Some of them are ergonomic, some of them are technical, others have theoretical roots. Perhaps the most annoying of these problems is that that it is usually too slow. This slowness can be very disappointing especially at the beginning of the examination term and at the registration period. In this paper I describe the circumstances of a measurement which shows that much better performance can be reached based on a good data model even in a poorer working environment and even in case of more serious demands.database efficiency, scholar information system

    Supply chain intelligence: benefits, techniques and future trends

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    Supply Chain Management is a philosophy to manage logistical processes in complex systems, that are very difficult to integrate and analyze. Such systems can be effectively analysed by the use of Business Intelligence applications. The capability to make the right decision at the right time in collaboration with the right partners is the definition of the successful use of BI. This paper explains the need for Supply Chain Business Intelligence and introduces the driving forces for it’s implementation. New technologies such as data mining, and their role in BI systems are also discussed. Finally, key BI trends and technologies that will influence future systems are described.supply chain, business intelligence, data mining

    Establishing Industrial Parks for the Development of the Slovak Economy

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    Industrial parks play significant role in the economical development of every country. They create space for attracting foreign investors, producing various products and services, create favourable conditions for development of small and medium enterprises, while applying modern technologies and concentrating at production of hi-tech products. In my paper will be presented the process of establishing industrial parks in Slovakia and their contribution for the development of the slovak economy. Attention will be given to the description of various categories and types of industrial parks in Slovakia.